

来源:太原环球雅思培训学校 发布时间:2023/4/10 10:15:29

     太原地区值得推荐的雅思培训机构汇总 ?小编推荐环球雅思培训学校, 环球雅思培训学校(想要了解更多详情请电话咨询),提供一对一的教学指导,价格优惠,师资力量雄厚,课程讲授细致,针对性强,资料,通过率高,有多家校区,可以根据学员情况就近安排学习,欢迎来我校考察!


  1) Break the task into parts

  Instead of writing a full essay today, why not try writing 5 different introductions using 2-sentence technique? Or challenge yourself to write 3 different main-body paragraphs about "advantages" (e.g. advantages of mobile phones, homeschooling and immigration) to help you. Or write 5 different conclusions - just one sentence each, summarising your response to 5 different questions.


  2) Do some research

  Instead of worrying about one particular question, try to find 10 recent exam questions. Write the questions on a piece of paper, decide what the general topic is for each one and do some research about those topics. Don't worry about the exact question, just try to "collect" good ideas and vocabulary for the overall topic. A quick search on Google or Wikipedia should give you what you need.

  有些考生可能会觉得在写作文举例子的时候有些力不从心,关键在于他们对于素材的积累不够。那么如何在考前迅速寻找这些素材呢?雅思考官也建议考生“Do some research”,有时候不一定要回答这些问题,而是搜寻各种和该话题有关的观点和实力,利用互联网,如谷歌或者维基百科,去搜寻也是一种不错的选择。

  3) What do you believe?

  A big problem for some students is that they don't have well-formed opinions. They're not sure what to write about topics like homeschooling, immigration or gun control. The good news is that there is no 'correct' opinion - the examiner is only looking at how well you express your opinions in English. So, after doing some research (see point 2 above), make sure you have an opinion of your own.


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